Morley Athletic Supply Co. Inc.
Morley Athletic Supply Co., Inc. is your #1 source for all of your athletic and physical education supplies. It is our goal to bring you quality merchandise at an affordable price while maintaining our high standards of customer service. Whether you're in need of baseball equipment, volleyball equipment, NFHS equipment, physical education equipment or any other athletic or physical education supplies for that matter we'll always be your #1 source. Our family owned company is a fourth generation privately held firm. Since 1931, Morley Athletic has grown its business on knowledge of the team and physical education industries as well as honest business practices. It has been our experience that our low prices and high quality products come with unbeatable service from one of the most educated team-sales staff in the business. Representatives are waiting for your call! As an authorized distributor for over 1,500 product lines, we're sure we can assist you in acquiring all of the supplies and equipment you need. If you need to be convinced of the broad range of equipment we carry check out our comprehensive football equipment, soccer equipment, baseball equipment, volleyball equipment, lacrosse equipment, basketball equipment or wrestling equipment categories. Leave it to us. We welcome inquiries via phone, fax or e-mail. Should you like a quote on an item that is not currently featured in our internet catalog please feel free to contact us and one of our qualified sales staff will assist you with your needs. Every minute of your time is important to you. You can stop spending hours searching through hundreds of catalogs by making a five minute call to us. Our family company will be your first and last stop for all of your athletic and physical education needs. You know what you need to do. Call us first. After all, at Morley Athletic we have been supplying college athletics, high school sports, physical education classes, athletic directors and coaches across the country with quality merchandise, professional service and PEACE OF MIND for over 82 years.
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