Well Intervention | Altus Intervention
We are the well intervention specialists with a difference. Making Intervention Smarter. We have the experience, technologies and techniques like no other, enabling us to work smarter, adapting and delivering real change operationally and commercially.Talk to our experts today. We are the well intervention specialists with a difference. Making Intervention Smarter. We have the experience, technologies and techniques like no other, enabling us to work smarter, adapting and delivering real change operationally and commercially.Talk to our experts today.
Mission locale | Portail d'insertion professionnelle des jeunes
La mission locale est un espace d'intervention au service des jeunes 16 - 25 ans. Chaque jeune accueilli bénéficie d'un suivi personnalisé La mission locale est un espace d’intervention au service des jeunes. Chaque jeune accueilli bénéficie d’un suivi personnalisé dans le cadre de ses démarches. Les structures d’accueil doivent apporter des réponses aux questions d’emploi, de formation mais aussi sur le logement ou la santé.
Francois Limpens
L'ENTREPRISE François LIMPENS Un engagement de qualité (diplômes et qualifications, contrat de prestation Cofely GDF SUEZ). Devis gratuit. Un gage d'une intervention rapide et de relation locale dans un rayon de 25 km autour de l'entreprise (08270 Faissault). L'ENTREPRISE François LIMPENS Un engagement de qualité (diplômes et qualifications, contrat de prestation Cofely GDF SUEZ). Devis gratuit. Un gage d'une intervention rapide et de relation locale dans un rayon de 25 km autour de l'entreprise (08270 Faissault).
PIOVENEFABI | Ambra Fabi | Giovanni Piovene
Piovenefabi is an architecture studio founded by Ambra Fabi and Giovanni Piovene, based in Milan and Brussels. The studio produces architecture, urban research, territorial visions and design. Regardless of the size of the intervention, the commission or the client the office designs for the public, dealing with a shared context and its many, almost infinite, interpretations; spaces and objects thus become possible supports for personal and collective experiences.Piovenefabi is an architecture studio founded by Ambra Fabi and Giovanni Piovene, based in Milan and Brussels. The studio produces architecture, urban research, territorial visions and design. Regardless of the size of the intervention, the commission or the client the office designs for the public, dealing with a shared context and its many, almost infinite, interpretations; spaces and objects thus become possible supports for personal and collective experiences.
Althémis - From strategy to deeds
Althémis est un groupe notarial. Son objectif est de mettre en synergie des moyens financiers, intellectuels et humains au service de sa clientèle.En complément des champs d’intervention traditionnels, chacun des notaires du Groupe Althémis a choisi d’approfondir un ou plusieurs domaines d’expertise à forte valeur ajoutée.
Home Page - KP® Mathematics : KP® Mathematics
New Ways Of LearningDistrict Leaders Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development, Special Education, Federal Programs School Leaders Principals, Specialists, Coaches, Parent Liaisons Teachers Classroom, Intervention, Special Education, Tutoring, Involved Parents Learn More KP® Ten-Frame Tiles KP Ten-Frame Tiles is a system of ten-frame platforms and tiles through which students physically and visually experience the structure and applications of the base-10 number... View Article
Super Duper Publications - Fun Learning Materials for Kids!
Super Duper Publications makes fun, practical materials for speech language pathology (SLP), autism, articulation, auditory processing, vocabulary, speech therapy, learning disabilities, grammar, assessment, oral motor, apraxia, phonology, reading comprehension, IEP, early intervention, and dyslexia.
Improving children’s mental health in schools – Place2Be
Place2Be provides mental health counselling support and training to schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families, teachers and staff.Place2Be provides mental health counselling support and training to schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families, teachers and staff.